Here's a quick tour of the apartment complex I'm staying in. 
So one of my professors invited me to participate in an event called "Inter-People Day". I ended up attending with two other students from my college. The day consisted of performances, speeches in English and a free lunch :).  After lunch we each went in pairs to a classroom to speak in English with the high school students there.  We ended up playing a game called fruits basket too. It was loads of fun :)
On our way back to Tarumi, my professor took us to visit Awaji island for some quick sightseeing. He bought each of us a tasty souvenir too :D All in all it was a good day ^^
My first video!! (yaay :D) This is just a short sum up of my first few days of being thrown into this country. Most of the things I had to get and do here are things we all need to do to survive in a country, but I never even thought about acting out these scenarios in Japanese and the certainly were NEVER brought up in class. I felt very unprepared, but I survived and got it all done :)
My first trip to Osaka with my former classmate Shawn. We saw some pretty interesting things in this bustling city. We mostly walked around and did some window shopping and visited a maid cafe (cute but not really worth the money ); it was a fun experience. Here are come interesting pics of the city.
So, if you read my last post, you know that I really enjoyed my time in Kyoto. I liked it so much, that I ended up making a second visit the very next week; this time with my friend Hiro, who happens to be a local of the area :) 


After meeting up at the train station, we took the bus to Ginkakuji (aka the silver temple). Unlike Kinkakuji, the name isn't because the temple's literally silver. Because of this, my friend thought I'd be disappointed, but it was actually the opposite. I liked Ginkakuji just as much as Kinkakuji; truth be told I probably liked it a little more^_^. I felt this place was peaceful and more in touch with its zen roots. I loved how forested it was and we took a nice walk on a trail there.