My seminar class threw me an awesome going away party (^-^) It was loads of fun. Here's a recap of what went down. I'm gonna miss you guys (T-T)/"
Last video account of our awesome winter break! Thanks for watching (and patiently waiting for) our vlogs (^-^)
Sorry for the late post (_ _)" but here's our fan girl recount of the Big Bang concert. Enjoy (^.^)/
My best friend's in town for winter break :D She's staying with me until new years. Here's what we've been up to so far (^ ^  ) 
Lately I've been getting into experimenting with my hair style and fashion. I recently purchased a couple of wigs online and I wanted to share them with you all(^-^). I also put pics of me in the wigs (in case you wanted to see what they look like on me). I'm very pleased with these wigs; especially the ones I bought from airily(the three on the left). No one ever really questions that it's not my hair, they just say "Wow! Where'd you get your hair done!" xD So glad I bought these.
One of the places on my to visit list was Hiroshima and since I had lots of spare time this summer, I ventured out with my friend Kohei to see this beautiful city. 
After arriving via bullet train, we set up camp at our hostel ( a quaint little spot called K's House) and quickly ventured out to see the A bomb dome and other memorial monuments. It was crazy to think of what condition this place was in over 60 years ago. 
After walking around for a bit, we decided to go see the Peace Memorial Museum. It was a one of a kind opportunity. We were in town during two special exhibits. The first was an exhibit of the orginial works of a comic called "Hadashi no Gen" (Barefoot Gen). This comic is a story based off the author's adolensence after the bombing of Hiroshima. You can find out more about this story on Wikepedia. There's also a really interesting interview with the author you can find here. I highly recomend checking it out ;)

The second exhibit we went to was a small gallery of pictures created by bomb survivors. All the images are descriptions of their true experiences and memories of the event. I took pictures of some of them bellow as well as some remains of the city they had in the museum. Feel free to look but I warn you, it is graphic; please proceed with caution.

So I recently reconnected with my friend (Tomo) who's originally from Japan (I find it ironic that we got back in touch after I moved to Japan, since he's Japanese and lives in America, but I digress ). After chatting and catching up, he sent me a text saying:

"If you would like to experience O-bon, a Japanese traditional event in relation to each family's ancestors taken place in mid August, you are welcome to go visit my house and stay with my family to get a real Japanese cultural experience."
So (no brainer) I say yes, and in about two days, I'm on a bus headed for Daisen Tottori. I ended up staying with my host family for  about four days and had a great time.  My host family took me to some cool spots and I learned a bit about the Bon festival too (unfortunately, I forgot to bring my camera while partaking in the festivities :/). Anywho, bellow is a quick recap of my experience and some fun pics. Enjoy!

So yesterday I decided to venture out to Sanomiya to see a movie and went on a quest afterward to find some Mexican food on this tiny island. As luck would have it, there's a Mexican bar/restaurant not too far from Sannomiya station called (get this) "El Salsa".
 I ordered a quesadilla and ended up ordering a tequila sunrise since I was at sitting at the bar (actually wasn't too bad).  In my opinion, the food was okay but not nearly enough spice for me; but I suppose it's to e expected given the typical flavor palate of Japanese food. Thankfully, there was some awesome sauce with habeneros in it so I gave my dish a good sprinkling (^。^)

Fun little place. I'm sure I'll pay them a visit again soon but in the meantime: where can I get tortillas here???