One of the places on my to visit list was Hiroshima and since I had lots of spare time this summer, I ventured out with my friend Kohei to see this beautiful city. 
After arriving via bullet train, we set up camp at our hostel ( a quaint little spot called K's House) and quickly ventured out to see the A bomb dome and other memorial monuments. It was crazy to think of what condition this place was in over 60 years ago. 
After walking around for a bit, we decided to go see the Peace Memorial Museum. It was a one of a kind opportunity. We were in town during two special exhibits. The first was an exhibit of the orginial works of a comic called "Hadashi no Gen" (Barefoot Gen). This comic is a story based off the author's adolensence after the bombing of Hiroshima. You can find out more about this story on Wikepedia. There's also a really interesting interview with the author you can find here. I highly recomend checking it out ;)

The second exhibit we went to was a small gallery of pictures created by bomb survivors. All the images are descriptions of their true experiences and memories of the event. I took pictures of some of them bellow as well as some remains of the city they had in the museum. Feel free to look but I warn you, it is graphic; please proceed with caution.
So yeah, that was pretty much it. It was getting late and to be honest, I didn't feel like having much fun after we were done at the museum so we just ate dinner and stayed at the hostel for the rest of the night. Overall it was a good experience. I spent some time learning about this in college and was fully aware of what happened here, so it was nice to see it in person. The next day we ended up having a very peacful tour through Miyajima, but I'll save that story for my  next post. Ja ne ;)

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