So, if you read my last post, you know that I really enjoyed my time in Kyoto. I liked it so much, that I ended up making a second visit the very next week; this time with my friend Hiro, who happens to be a local of the area :) 


After meeting up at the train station, we took the bus to Ginkakuji (aka the silver temple). Unlike Kinkakuji, the name isn't because the temple's literally silver. Because of this, my friend thought I'd be disappointed, but it was actually the opposite. I liked Ginkakuji just as much as Kinkakuji; truth be told I probably liked it a little more^_^. I felt this place was peaceful and more in touch with its zen roots. I loved how forested it was and we took a nice walk on a trail there.  
After exploring the temple, Hiro thought I might want to see a famous shrine (sorry-forgot the name) so we decided to take a walk over there. As we were walking, a middle aged woman stopped us and asked us where we were going. I'm not really sure what she was saying exactly, but I gathered  she was basically telling us about a more scenic route to get to this place. Regardless, she gnawed at our ears for a good 10 minutes >.<" When she left I turned to Hiro and go "So what was she saying?" and he gave me this confused look and says" I don't really know. She had a weird accent so I couldn't really understand anything she was saying." xD
Here's some random pictures I took walking around Kyoto
So, when that distraction was over we were on our merry way; or so I thought. Turns out we never made it to the shrine. We got a bit turned around and started getting hungry, so we decided to go grab some soba for lunch ( I learned that soba is actually supposed to served cold ). Afterwards we went accross the street to the Kyoto city zoo. It was pretty small but therre were all sorts of interesting animals there (my personal favorite was the giraffe :D).

Kiyomizu-dera Temple

We ended the day with a visit to Kiyomizu-dera temple. The view on the ledge was spectacular and I thoroughly enjoyed walking around. On our way back to the bus stop I did some souvenir shopping and we ran into a real geisha (in training)! She let me take a picture with her ^_^

And so ends my awesome 2nd trip to Kyoto. Can't wait to visit again xD
2/18/2014 09:32:49 am

I wish you could have gotten someone to take at least 1 photo of you with the scenery behind you.


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