Last Sunday (the 7th) I went out with my friend Saki and her kids to celebrate Tanabata (the star gazing festival). We went to a public event at the mall and got some fun balloon animals and toys. We went to her house and she let me try on one of her yukatas before we  had dinner. What fun!
Some quick info about Tanabata matsuri for those of you who are interested
This is an annual celebration of the stars. According to a legend, the two stars, Vega and Altair, separated lovers, are allowed to meet each other across the Milky Way only once a year on the evening of July 7th. At this festival, prayers are also offered so that young girls will improve in calligraphy and handicraft. The custom is to set up leafed bamboo branches in the garden, and people write poems, words or wishes on tanzaku or long strips of colorful paper which they tie on the bamboo leaves.

~Japan National Tourism webpage

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