This Saturday I got all decked out in my new yukata and headed out to Osaka with a few friends to experience Hanabi Matsuri (花火祭り). This is an annual festival usually held July-August, depending on the prefecture.  These festivals are a staple in summer activities for those in Japan and to my knowledge, have been for a while.  People generally go out in groups or as a couple and some will dress up in a yukata (a traditional summer dress/robe). 
The festival was held on the river bank in Osaka (not too far from Umeda) and there was a HUGE amount of people. There was an array of food ranging from potato wedges, ramen, and even fresh cool pineapples. After we got something to eat and drink we found a spot that ended up having an awesome view of the fireworks (lucky us ^^). 
**Here's a video of the first five or so minutes of firework awesomeness ~(^-^)~
        {  Sorry about the shaky camera  o(_ _')o  }

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