I wanted to do know more about the city I'm living in. So I did some digging and found some information on Kobe city and the Hyogo prefecture.
PictureMascot of the Hyogo prefecture.
   The Hyogo prefecture is a major cultural hot spot  of Japan. Located near the old capitol Kyoto, this prefecture is a part of an area known as the kansai region. For over a century this area was the center of Japan. This area is even thought to be the birthplace of the country in Japanese mythology.  Ancient temples and feudal castles like Himeji serve as evidence of the prefecture's traditional past. 

    Before the Meiji restoration (around 1867 or so), the area known today as Hyogo was constantly being divided up into regions and territories. This was due to battles and wars of various clans throughout Japan's history. As a result, cities are more focused on in the history books when referring to the location of events. It then goes without saying that these cities have more color in their history. Kobe (the city I currently reside in) is a great example of this.

    Kobe has been a major city and trading port of Japan since the eighth century (WOW). Initially being a major spot for trade with China and later western countries after Japan opened its borders in 1868, there is a high level of international influence that can still be seen today. Since Kobe was one of the first cities to open its borders for trade, the city developed a settlement to conduct business with foreigners (cleverly named the "foreign settlement"). This is currently a popular tourist spot and many western style buildings and establishments can still be found today. This exposure and influence of foreign culture thus makes Kobe a sort of gateway to the global community; as tastes and trends of other countries often start in Kobe and spread to the rest of Japan. 
If you want more information on the interesting and awesome things in Hyogo, you should check out their tourism website.

Sources (in case you actually care...)


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