• 話し言葉 (はなしことば) = Spoken language

  • 書き言葉 (かきことば)  = Written language

  • 文体  (ぶんたい)    =  Literary style

  •   (となり)   =  Neighbor

  • 隣の______です。 =  I'm your neighbor, ______________.

  • 日本語はあまり上手じゃない。=  I'm not very good at Japanese.
*** If you want to be super modest, add "いえいえ。とんでもない。"  before the above phrase, which basically means "No no, don't be ridiculous."


  • 以上です。(いじょうです) = That is all.     **This is said by students after they've finished saying or presenting something.**

  • ____ないことはない = _________ is not impossible. / There is a small possibility of _________.

  • 投資 (とうし) = Investment

  • もったいない =Wasteful.           
      ** This was explained to me by a Japanese professor as a phrase used when something can be reused or re-purposed("don't throw that out, you can find another purpose for it").**

Here are a few words I had to immediately pick up in Japan:
  • 区役所 (くやくしょ) = Ward office
  • 印鑑 (いんかん)= Personal seal
  • 目的 (もくてき) = Purpose; objective; intention