Some random nouns I learned in class. I hope you find them useful ;)
  • 林業=りんぎよう= Forestry

  • 変化=へんか=  Variation

  • 推移=すいい=  Change 

  • =とこ= Place
  • 自然=しぜん= Nature; Spontaneous

  • 自然災害=しぜんさいがい= Natural disaster

  • 植物=しょくぶつ= Plant life; a plant, vegetation

  • 植物学=しょくぶつがく= Botany

Hey all. Been a while since I posted some vocab, so I thought I'd get back to it :) Here are some interesting words I picked up from my new class "Ecology and Economics":
  • 生態=せいたい= Ecology

  • 環境 =かんきょう= Environment 

  • 農=のう= Farming; agriculture

  • 再利用=さいりよう= Reuse; recycling