Here are some words I picked up in my class (the post's namesake). We were talking about energy cycles and the co-existence of modern society with the environment. Anywho, here's some of what I managed to pick up:
  • 酸素= さんそ = Oxygen

  • 大気= たいき = Atmosphere

  • 汚染= おせん =  Pollution

  • エナージー= Energy 

  • 観光= かんこう= Sightseeing
Hey everyone! I wasn't in class much last week since I was sick, so I missed a week of vocab posts (ごめんね >.<"). But anyways here are some words I picked up this week.

  • ハイキングコース= Hiking trail

  • 早める=はやめる= To accelerate 

  • 晩秋=ばんしゅう= Late autumn; Fall

  • 立春=りっしゅん= First day of spring 

I tried looking up the word for forest, and was surprised by what I found. Interestingly enough, there are about four words that translate into forest. These are:

  • 樹林 =  じゅりん

  • = はやし = Alternative translations are woods, copse and thicket

  • 森林 = しんりん =  Can also mean woods

  • 山林 = さんりん = This literally means mountain forest, or mountains and forest