• あさって = The day after tomorrow 

  • さらいしゅう  =  The week after next

  • よみかた  =  Pronunciation, way of reading 

  • ばあいによる  =  It depends 
  • 何でもいい=なんでもいい= Whatever is good

            ** This is a way of saying you don't care when given a choice to do something. For example someone asks you what you want to do while visiting Tokyo, you can use this phrase.

  • つぎ=Following

  • こたえる= Answer

  • 仲間=なかま= Inner group
  • 講義=こうぎ= Lecture

  • 授業=じゅぎょう=Class, lesson, classwork

  • ~たいです/~ たいと思っています(~たいおもっています)= I want to_____/ I would like to______.
         ** This has to be used with a verb. For ru verbs, just drop the 「見る(みる)ー> 見たい」and for い verbs, use the masu form「行く(いく)->行きたい」

  • 風邪のウイルス (かぜのウイルス) = Cold virus

  • ____が出来ますか。(____ができますか。) = Can you__________?                                                                                **This is how to ask if you cna do something. So if you want to ask if someone can, for examle, speak English you'd phrase it like this: 英語が出来ますか。

  • 簡単な会話(かんたんなかいわ) = Simple Conversation
           **This is a great phrase to use to use to tell others you can speak a/o understand simple conversations in Japanese; so they don't go all keigo on you. 

  • アレルギー    = Allergy 

  • 中央出口 (ちゅうおうでぐち)=    Central Exit

  • どうやったら______に行けますか。 =  Do you know how to get to_______?

  • これくだいさい。 =  This one please.
  • しょうがない    = It can't be helped (I think "it's inevitable" is also an appropriate interpretation of this word as well )

  • すっぱい    = Sour 

  • とって=    Handle, grip knob