• 風邪のウイルス (かぜのウイルス) = Cold virus

  • ____が出来ますか。(____ができますか。) = Can you__________?                                                                                **This is how to ask if you cna do something. So if you want to ask if someone can, for examle, speak English you'd phrase it like this: 英語が出来ますか。

  • 簡単な会話(かんたんなかいわ) = Simple Conversation
           **This is a great phrase to use to use to tell others you can speak a/o understand simple conversations in Japanese; so they don't go all keigo on you. 

  • Verb+ しています= This means that the action you are describing is currently happening.                  
     ** For example if you want to say "I'm studying Japanese" you'd say 私は日本語を勉強しています。instead of  わたしは日本語を勉強します。which means "I will study Japanese."

  • ~したほうがいいですよ。= You should __________./ It would be good if youdid_________. 
        **This is a way of giving advice. 

  • 懐かしい (なつかしい) = Nostalgic; missed

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